Fishhawk Lake Real Estate Keep a Journal of Your Home and Make a Buyer Happy!

When we bought our lakefront home from friends, they had an extensive “journal” that they handed us. It was very organized and included extended warranties,brand names of window treatments, who they used for putting in the flooring, etc. all neatly categorized and in a ringed notebook.
Get Your Ducks in a Row!

ducks in a row

Since then, I have kept every receipt of repair work, new purchases (like the new part for the central vacuum system), housecleaning receipts, maintenance agreements for the heating/cooling systems, pest control,  everything pertaining to it that would be of interest to a new buyer. 

What it did for us, when we purchased this lovely lakefront home was to have ONE PLACE to go for repair phone numbers, contacts, a running history of the home and the age of certain appliances, etc., AND showed how well maintained the home had been! 

Very powerful ammunition when the time comes for a buyer to be getting serious about making an offer or after an accepted offer and during/after a home inspection. It is the optimal papertrail since the buyer eventually will be on their own with this home that you’ve taken such good care of. 

Choose one place to be able to easily retrieve it to add new receipts, etc. Maybe even put tabs in for easy access, categorizing the different aspects of the journal, making it even simpler for the buyer to look at (like “Extended Warranties”).  If it is in a place that you always use, it will make it that much easier to stay on top of  keeping those items of interest organized and available. I keep mine in a bottom drawer near where I keep my other papers by the phone. 

ducks in a row in the lake

This will be such a great way to let your buyer know that your home has been loved and cared for and you have something to support that and pass along for a seamless transition!

(Originally posted on ActiveRain by Gayle Rich-Boxman)

About fishhawklakerealtor

I've been the local realtor/neighbor for 14 years who lives full time in the Fishhawk Lake area, a private lake community in the middle of the coastal range in a very small town in Oregon . It's heaven out here and my husband and I have lived here full time for about 12 years and over 15 altogether as weekenders before that. This area is my niche, my specialty, my passion. Doing this is truly a dream come true. Let me help you make it yours. Call me, your local expert: 503-755-2905 REALTOR® John L Scott Market Center Also check out my blog on ActiveRain: Or to check out my listings go to my website:
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